We joined the big boys today!

On this rainy Sunday, Mom had us come join her in the grooming room while she did trimmed toe nails, cleaned teeth, stripped coats and washed furnishings on the BIG dogs. Oh my what a busy place it is!

PS You can see into her office from the grooming-kennel room. This room is where she is busy sending out our pics

Here we are at 4 1/2 weeks old!

Top to bottom Gold, Blue Pink and Glitter

Stella .. Our rising star

Stella sitting in the sun while Dad, Ch Brightluck's Prancing Pirate (Rex) is winning Best of Breed at Westminster Kennel Club.

Mom's back to our clean bed

Mom checks out the clean room and each of us carefully, before settling in for a morning nap!

Close ups of babies 2-12-11

Blue boy and pink Glitter girl

Blue boy Derry - Stuart 2-12-11

I am quickly changing color. My head was black at birth

Sat morning bed change 2-12-11

Mom...puts us in this small box while she gives us cleaning bedding. Think we are out growing this arrangement.

We have our EYES!!!

left to right Glitter girl, gold and blue boys and pink girl

Now we will be keeping our eyes on you. Watch us grow.
At 2 weeks, we are 2 lbs and have opened our eyes. Let the fun begin.

Sleeping puppies....fat and happy

Relaxing after breakfast with not a care in the world.

Puppies are two weeks old

Derry and the babies are doing great! They continue to grow and thrive. All of the puppies are close to 2 lbs at 2 weeks old. WOW!!!