Firecrackers are two weeks old

Arabella and Seamus were on family vacation for a week. Harper was glad to see her family, but after a short visit she was ready to devote her full attention to the babies.  All three puppies weighed in at 2 lbs or more at two weeks old.  Eyes and ears are open. They are busy toddling around, plus they are very vocal.

Button and Tailor enjoying a hot summer afternoon!

These adorable litter mates born January 20, 2012 are now available for placement in companion homes. As you can see, they are delightful, active and happy puppies.

Day 5 and All is well!

Notice Harper's manicure.  Arabella treated her to a pre delivery beauty nails.  All the firecrackers weigh over 1 lb at 5 days.

First visit with Harper and the firecrackers

Harper is  Seamus and Arabella's companion and pet.  The children were delight to snuggle with puppies.  Harper enjoyed her visit, but is very content giving her full attention to the baby firecrackers.

Sweet dreams!!!

All is well with Harper and her babies!  Harper is a fabulous mother.  Two puppies weigh 12.5 oz and the other puppy is now 9.4 oz.

The Fire Crackers have arrived!!

Right on time and in less than an hour, Harper delivered 3 fat healthy puppies. 2 boys and a girl sired by Link.  Mom and babies are doing great.